Conquering equality: Coeducation today Marc Pallarès Piquer 1-4 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Bodies, educations and genders. Reflections on anesthesia and the sensitive in pedagogy Jordi Planella Ribera, Lucero Alexandra Ruíz Ortega, Joxe Jimenez Jimenez 5-15 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Coeducation: a challenge for schools of the 21st century Ana Isabel Ugalde Gorostiza, Pilar Aristizabal Llorente, Beatriz Garay Ibañez de Elejalde, Haritz Mendiguren Goienola 16-36 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Co-education today. Reflections from feminist pedagogies to get a depatriarchate curriculum María Teresa Bejarano Franco, Irene Martínez Martín, Montserrat Blanco García 37-50 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Coeducate for peace: gender perspective for social justice María Lozano Estivalis, Liliana Aura Trifu 51-61 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
The meaning and evolution of the term "coeducation" with the turn of the century: the case of the schools of Vitoria-Gasteiz Amaia Alvarez-Uria, Gema Lasarte Leonet, Maria Teresa Vizcarra Morales 62-75 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Towards a violet school: teachers’ of Primary education initial training in coeduca-tion Begoña Sánchez Torrrejón, Zulema Barea Villalba 76-92 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Pedagogy, profession, knowledge and education: a mesoaxiological approach to the relationship from the discipline, the study and the function of education José Manuel Touriñán 93-115 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Continuing education of literacy teachers in Brazil: perceptions about the PNAIC Alboni Marisa Dudeque Pianovski Vieira, Adriana Ferreira Martins Alflen 116-127 DOI: PDF (Português (Brasil))
Performance of the Brazilian Federal Institutions of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education on Enem Leandro Araujo de Sousa, Maria Irilene Alves dos Santos, Jayane Mara Rosendo Lopes, Grasiany Sousa de Almeida, José Airton de Freitas Pontes Junior 128-138 DOI: PDF (Português (Brasil))
The use of comics in French as a Foreign Language (FFL) classes Ana Belén Soto Cano 139-152 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
A brief analysis of some normative and technical aspects of the evaluation of teaching performance for the permanence of the Professional Teaching Service David Castro Porcayo, Roberto Solís González 153-168 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Teaching co-education through the ‘Cinderella’ story, by means of a research-action process Desamparados Broch Martin, Aida Sanahuja Ribés 169-182 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Does a moral pedagogy of women exist? A philosophical and educational discussion based on thirteen feminist authors Adrián Neubauer Esteban 187-188 PDF (Español (España))
Several perspectives of women educators in times of Spanish transition to democracy Zoé Camille Morand García 189-190 PDF (Español (España))
Gender and coeducation: diagnosis and solutions Esther Díaz Romanillos 191-192 PDF (Español (España))