The International Journal of Education for Social Justice is an academic journal peer-reviewed and edited by the Iberoamerican School Effectiveness and Improvement Research Network (RINACE) and the Autonomous University of Madrid Publications Service. The Journal was born in October 2012 due to the need to have a channel for the dissemination of quality research that understands Education as an engine of social transformation.

The International Journal of Education for Social Justice is indexed in Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Google Académico, Dialnet, ERIH PLUS, FECyT, CIRC, Latindex, MIAR, Biblioteca de la OEI, Iresie, REDIB, DOAJ, Dulcinea, EZB, BNE, REBIUN, Sudoc, WordCat, and Copac*. The Journal has the FECYT 2021 Quality Seal.


Current IssueVol 13, No 1 (2024): Education for Environmental Justice: Working from the Classrooms the Formation of an Active Citizenship

Published June 10, 2024

Published: 2024-06-10

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