Mechanisms, Instruments and Practices to Encourage Student Participation in their Own Assessment Raúl A. Barba-Martín, David Hortigüela-Alcalá PDF (Español (España)) EPUB (Español (España))
Mechanisms, Instruments and Practices to Encourage Student Participation in their Own Assessment Raúl A. Barba-Martín, David Hortigüela-Alcalá DOI: PDF (Español (España)) EPUB (Español (España))
Complicity between Self-Assessment and Learning. Tones for its Implementation in the University Mª Amparo Calatayud, Beatriz Alonso Tena DOI: PDF (Español (España)) EPUB (Español (España))
Development Analysis of Students' Perception of Their Learning in Shared Assessment Systems Miriam Molina Soria, Cristina Pascual Arias, David Hortigüela Alcalá, Carla Fernández Garcimartín DOI: PDF (Español (España)) EPUB (Español (España))
Student Participation in Formative Assessment in Teacher Education Carla Fernández-Garcimartín, Teresa Fuentes Nieto, Miriam Molina Soria, Víctor Manuel López-Pastor DOI: PDF (Español (España)) EPUB (Español (España))
In-Service Teacher Education an Influential Element in Involving Students in their Assessment: A Case Study Cristina Pascual-Arias, Víctor M. López-Pastor, Teresa Fuentes Nieto, David Hortigüela-Alcalá DOI: PDF (Español (España)) EPUB (Español (España))
Assess with Rubrics. A Successful Proposal within the PBL Cristina Navarrete-Artime, José Luis Belver Domínguez DOI: PDF (Español (España)) EPUB (Español (España))
Mobilizing Young People for University Education: The Case of Ceará, Brasil Eloisa Maia Vidal, Anderson Gonçalves Costa, Ana Gardennya Linard Sírio Oliveira, Eliana Nunes Estrela DOI: PDF (Português (Portugal)) EPUB (Português (Portugal))
The assessment nightmare: Analysis of university students' dreams Miguel Ángel Gómez Ruiz , Rosa Vázquez Recio, Mónica López Gil, Ana Ruiz Romero DOI: PDF (Español (España)) EPUB (Español (España))
Self-assessment and Peer-assessment in physical education. A systematic review Laura Cañadas DOI: PDF (Español (España)) EPUB (Español (España))