The power of geographic knowledge in facing the challenges of formation for active citizenship in Brazil


  • Rejane Rodrigues Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro



Geographic education, Powerful geographic knowledge, Active citizenship


In this paper we present a didactic project, organized within the scope of a teacher training Program in Brazil, whose main objective is related to the training of young students for active citizenship. During the elaboration and implementation of this project, entitled Vota 16, the precepts of geographic education and political education are articulated, with the purpose of revealing geographic knowledge as a powerful knowledge regarding the possibilities of transforming the unequal and excluding social reality that endures in the country.


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Author Biography

Rejane Rodrigues, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

Professora da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro


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2020-06-16 — Updated on 2020-06-17

How to Cite

Rodrigues, R. (2020). The power of geographic knowledge in facing the challenges of formation for active citizenship in Brazil. Didácticas Específicas, (22), 59–70.


