Vol. 29 (2017): Technologies, education, and digital divide

Factors that promote teaching presence in virtual learning environments

Gema de Pablo González
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published January 17, 2017


teaching presence, eLearning, innovation, motivation, learning
How to Cite
de Pablo González, G. (2017). Factors that promote teaching presence in virtual learning environments. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 29, 43–58. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2017.29.001


In this article we will discuss the importance of the Teaching Presence in virtual learning environments from a learning construction point of view. We will summarized the evolution of virtual learning environments, that is, of eLearning, as well as the role of the teacher in such environments. In the same way we will review what we mean by Teaching Presence, to focus later on some factors that favor the development of the construction of knowledge. We will reference part of the results obtained by the author in the doctoral thesis of the same title, focusing specifically on the data obtained in one of the cases analyzed, chosen because of its relevance to this article.


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