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Nuevo número de Edad de Oro

Os traemos el número XLIII (2024) de la revista Edad de Oro.

Issue 60 / The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Ten Years Later: Progress, Resistance and Challenges

Anniversaries are always a good time to take stock of a process, but in the case of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, due to transformations in the international context over recent years (the COVID-19 pandemic, wars in Ukraine and Gaza, accelerated climate change), it is important not only to assess its progress, but also to reflect on the relevance of the goals established in 2015 in today’s world.

On the other hand, the recent global rise of reactionary populism that rejects the 2030 Agenda, seeing it as a threat to national sovereignty and defining it with exaggerated dangers, has turned the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into a rallying point for people, organizations, and governments committed to “leaving no one behind,” as well as for those who seek to challenge multilateral governance processes (or “globalism,” in their terms) and return to a strictly national perspective.

Therefore, to mark the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the 2030 Agenda by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015, the journal Relaciones Internacionales plans to publish a special issue on this subject in October 2025. This issue aims to examine the performance of the Agenda over the past decade and explore prospects for achieving its targets with only five years remaining until the set deadline.

Cerrada la recepción de artículos del nº 8 de 2024

Se comunica que, de acuerdo con la normativa de la revista, desde el 1 de octubre de 2024 queda cerrada la recepción de trabajos para ser publicados en el nº 8 de 2024. Si llegase algún artículo será considerado para el nº 9 de diciembre de 2025.

Por otro lado, se informa que permanece abierto el plazo de recepción de originales para el monográfico nº 7 de 2024.

Próximo número 15(2) sobre "Entornos de alfabetización familiar y justicia social: Un enfoque multimetodológico e interseccional de la alfabetización en la infancia"

Coordinado por Fernando Guzmán-Simón, Eduardo García-Jiménez y Alejandra Pacheco-Costa (Universidad de Sevilla, España)

La fecha límite para la entrega de los originales es el 1 de mayo de 2026, y se publicará el 1 de diciembre de 2026.

Issue 59 / Open issue

The editorial team of the journal presents this call for papers as its annual open issue, corresponding to issue 59, and whose publication is scheduled for June 2025. The objective of this issue will be to contribute to the global discussion from the perspective of critical theories, and through the interrogation of dominant academic thinking in the discipline of International Relations. Following the editorial line of the journal, critical and novel perspectives are prioritized, as well as the treatment of innovative themes and new approaches. This issue is, therefore, open to contributions both from the field of International Relations and other fields of research and social science disciplines (Political Science, History, Law, Economics, Sociology, Anthropology), or indeed interdisciplinary approaches- although they must take as a main axis, or have a bearing on, the international itself. Preference will be given to those contributions which offer novel and critical analysis, enabling advances in critical debates and displacing the focus of attention from those places privileged by prevailing discourses and approaches. That is, for instance, those which are fundamentally rationalist and centred on the figure of the state as principal -or even only- actor of International Relations. Some examples of novel approaches could be decolonial, ecofeminist, and ecological studies; in short, any critical analysis that tackles a perspective or theme which has been generally downplayed, neglected or silenced in the discipline.


Edad de Oro ha revalidado el sello FECYT (Calidad Científica de Revistas Españolas) para el año 2024-2025.

Convocatoria para el envío de artículos: Emocionalización de la educación. Discursos, políticas y prácticas.
Aviso a autores

AVISO   Febrero 2024

Debido al actual número de envíos recibidos para su publicación en Archaeofauna en los últimos meses, el tiempo estimado para la revisión de nuevos manuscritos y su publicación en  Archaeofauna es de aproximadamente 18 meses.

Disculpen las molestias.

Call for Papers 23(4): Myths of education

Coordinated by  Cristóbal Suárez-Guerrero (Universitat de València)

Deadline for submission: March 1st, 2025. 

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