The treatment of the present subjunctive to express an opinion or to evaluate in the manuals of Spanish as a foreign language


  • Laura Arroyo Martínez Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Seleccionado:SFL, Grammar, Subjunctive, Analysis of manuals


This article analyzes the treatment of the present subjunctive for expressing an opinion or valuation within the manuals of Spanish as a foreign language. A representative corpus of manuals has been selected and the following aspects have been analyzed using both a quantitative and a qualitative approach: whether this grammatical content is explicitly named
in the table of contents of the manual; whether within the units or lessons where this content is addressed, students are provided with relevant theoretical information; whether activities are developed in order to help students to learn and internalize this structure and the related learning methodology and, finally, the differences that exist between the manuals. All this will enable to obtain specific conclusions useful in pointing out some necessary future improvements.


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How to Cite

Arroyo Martínez, L. (2020). The treatment of the present subjunctive to express an opinion or to evaluate in the manuals of Spanish as a foreign language. Didácticas Específicas, (23), 28–43.


