The urgency of protecting cultural heritage from climate change Débora Madrid Brito 5-8 PDF (Español (España))
The ancient Diolkos of Corinth. Analysis of the proposals for its route and calculation of the optimal trajectory Pere García Ruiz 13-41 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Dance, noise and rejoicing: an approach to the performance of the Portuguese “folias” Cristina Roldán Fidalgo 43-57 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Grand Ducal ambitions and Venetian counter-intelligence. The Tuscan failure in the 1607 attack on Cyprus. Trentacoste Davide 59-74 DOI: PDF
“El que murió cuando nacía”. Mirror of a perfect infant: Charles of Spain (1607-1632) in the eulogies Marion Duchesne 75-89 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
The first PSOE before universal suffrage (1879-1891): the labour movement as a democratizing agent in the Restoration system Adrián Sánchez Castillo 91-108 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Considering unemployment in Ecuador during the Great Depression Cristian Paúl Naranjo Navas 109-127 DOI: PDF
“Fighting Communism without playing the same game”. An approach to the memory of the Argentine Movimiento Nacionalista Tacuara activists Celina Albornoz 129-148 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Transvestite metaphors and transsexual bodies: interpretation problems in Eduardo Mendicutti’s Una mala noche la tiene cualquiera Pablo Romero Velasco 149-164 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
The Artistic Imaginary of “Basquesness”. Cultural Practices and Policies at the End of the 20th Century Ane Lekuona Mariscal 165-182 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Dancing in the Museo Reina Sofía. The Judson Dance Theater, beyond minimalist dance Blanca Molina Olmos 183-201 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Discourses about hermaphroditism in the Ancient Iberian Regime Miguel Rodríguez de Rivera Herrera 203-207 PDF (Español (España))
Expropriated and exclaustrated: Effects of the confiscation processes of the 19th century on the Order of San Agustín in Spain José Luis Eugercios Arriero 209-211 PDF (Español (España))
Buried and Forgotten: Democratic Memory in School Textbooks Néstor Banderas Navarro 213-216 PDF (Español (España))
War beyond war: on the fringes of the 1914 conflict Manuel Alvargonzález Fernández 217-219 PDF (Español (España))
XXX Curso de Estudios Medievales “Epidemias, pestes y otros fines de mundo”. Universidad de La Laguna, del 9 al 13 de noviembre de 2020 Miguel Rodríguez de Rivera Herrera 229-232 PDF (Español (España))