The treatment of the labor movement in Contemporary World History textbooks


  • Julián Vadillo Muñoz Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



Labour movement, Anarchism, Marxism, Trade unionism, Internationals


Secondary education and the study of the Bachillerato is fundamental to understanding certain concepts that will last throughout your life. In the case of history, it is evident if the subject is not going to dedicate himself to the study of history in the higher levels. For this reason, the way in which the contents are transmitted is fundamental in order for us to get an idea of the importance of history. One of those contents in the history of the contemporary world is the importance of the labour movement in the 19th century, in the responses to the development of the industrial and capitalist society. The objective of this article is to analyse, through different manuals of the last years, the treatment given to this aspect of history, and if there is a connection between the contents offered and the research on the subject.


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Author Biography

Julián Vadillo Muñoz, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



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How to Cite

Vadillo Muñoz, J. (2020). The treatment of the labor movement in Contemporary World History textbooks. Didácticas Específicas, (23), 91–112.


