The determining syntagm in Secondary Education

Proposal for methodological updating in the teaching of syntax


  • Mario Casado Mancebo UNED



Secondary Education, Bachillerato, Spanish language teaching, Noun phrase, Determiner phrase


Subjects of Lengua castellana y Literatura in the Secondary Education curriculum are determined by a traditional approach that keeps us from spotting a bunch of theoretical problems overcome by linguistics through last decades of XXth century. This conservatism at grammar teaching prevents education from advancing together with linguistic progresses. In this paper, there is a proposal for a methodological update focused on the treatment of nominal phrases in Secondary Education. Together with it, you will find a theoretical framework and an extensive bibliographical review of Spanish language teaching resources which evidence the problem and justify the teaching proposal.


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How to Cite

Casado Mancebo, M. (2020). The determining syntagm in Secondary Education: Proposal for methodological updating in the teaching of syntax. Didácticas Específicas, (23), 57–74.


