Vol. 1 (1995): Past and present school issues

The objective prediction of academic performance and its possibilities in personalized guidance

Juan García Yagüe
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published October 14, 2015


orientation, personalized education, evaluation, educational performance
How to Cite
García Yagüe, J. (2015). The objective prediction of academic performance and its possibilities in personalized guidance. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 1, 21–38. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/tp1995.1.002


In the first part, he analyzes the historical antecedents of predictive theories, the change of assumptions that modern science requires, and the problems that these pose to personalized guidance. It stops at the possibilities, topics and dangers of statistical models. The second part synthesizes the results that are accumulated on stability and prediction of grades by offering multiple prediction models for the primary school and the baccalaureate and a selected bibliography on the subject.


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