Intercultural Competence in Secondary School: Intertwined views of teachers and students towards people of other cultures and beliefs
teacher competences, intercultural education, multiculturality, culture, school integration.Abstract
The multicultural reality is more evident in our society, it is transferred to our educational schools. This fact highlights the formative level of the different agents which are part of the educational community in relation to the acquisitional degree of the so-called "intercultural competence", as a strategy given by an effective response to diversity in the classrooms. The study presented here is focused on the analysis of this intercultural competence in the I.E.S. Miguel de Cervantes, Sevillian school, from the perspective of students (N = 76) and teachers (N = 9). This school is located in a neighborhood with a high population rate of diverse cultural origins. For its realization, we opted for a 'hybrid' design, using combined interviews and questionnaires, after analyzing the official documents of the center. The results indicate the needs to develop a multicultural curriculum to facilitate the optimal integration of the different groups presented in the school, since the students show some acquisition degree of this competence while it is shown prejudiced and stereotyped attitudes towards people of other cultures and beliefs. Likewise, the training of teachers in this issue appears as a crucial element for the improvement of socio-educational processes in the school.
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