Vol. 1 (1995): Past and present school issues

Parallels and similarities between globalism and constructivism

María Consuelo de la Torre Tomás
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published October 14, 2015


globalism, constructivism, didactic
How to Cite
de la Torre Tomás, M. C. (2015). Parallels and similarities between globalism and constructivism. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 1, 9–20. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/tp1995.1.001


The present article pretends to indicate some of the common aspects that the globalized and constructivist trends in education have among themselves. Both from the perspective of the theoretical principles that sustain these tendencies, as well as from its methodological projection in the teaching action, there are numerous coincidences that are interesting to highlight. Both globalism and constructivism conceive of education as a process of self-cognition that occurs interactively with the environment and in which the teacher has a role of mediator, through the preparation of learning experiences. These theories follow similar phases of action in Early Childhood and Primary Education: an initial phase that involves the student's diagnosis and contact with the most global or general aspects of what is to be learned; a second phase of exercise, guided and conducted by the teacher; and a third phase of what has been learned, in which language is determinant in the cognitive construction and in the transfer to new contexts of what has been learned. It is evident that, from the Educational Reform of 1990, these tendencies have great prominence in the theoretical orientation of D.C.B. of Early Childhood and Primary Education.


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