Vol. 30 (2017): Teaching styles and learning styles I

Preferences in learning styles of the students who study the baccalaureate in the Region of Murcia

Nicolás Ros Martínez
Consejería de Educación de Murcia
María Luz Cacheiro González
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Domingo J. Gallego Gil
Universidad Camilo José Cela
Published July 4, 2017


learning styles, students, accalaureate, Region of Murcia, CHAEA
How to Cite
Ros Martínez, N., Cacheiro González, M. L., & Gallego Gil, D. J. (2017). Preferences in learning styles of the students who study the baccalaureate in the Region of Murcia. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 30, 105–117. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2017.30.006


The general objective of this research was to verify the possible differences among the different learning styles, in each of the modalities of Baccalaureate, according to the sex and the type of educational center. For this, a descriptive and relational study has been carried out, from a quantitative and transversal methodological approach. The sampling was incidental, involving 823 students distributed in 5 of the 13 institutes of Secondary Education of the Murcia Capital, 2 concerted centers of the Capital that impart Baccalaureate and 7 of the localities of Alcantarilla, Alhama, Ceutí and Molina de Segura of the Region of Murcia. The questionnaire applied was the CHAEA (Alonso, 1992). Among the results obtained, we emphasize that the predominant style is reflexive, and that reflexive and theoretical learning styles are the ones that prevail in the modalities of Technological Baccalaureate and Natural Sciences and Health, and the styles of active and pragmatic learning In the modalities of Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences. Among the conclusions highlight the need to continue promoting pedagogical proposals that take into account the preferences of learning styles to modulate them according to educational and professional needs.


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