Vol. 28 (2016): Education and higher education in the Iberoamerican context

The university transformation process Brazilian and university teachers in light of Law no. 5540/68: Past or present?

Alexandre Shigunov Neto
Instituto Federal de Educaçao, Ciència e Tecnologia de São Paulo
Ivan Fortunato
Instituto Federal de Educaçao, Ciència e Tecnologia de São Paulo
Cover of Tendencias Pedagógicas volume 28
Published June 29, 2016


education, higher education, university, teachers
How to Cite
Shigunov Neto, A., & Fortunato, I. (2016). The university transformation process Brazilian and university teachers in light of Law no. 5540/68: Past or present?. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 28, 195–202. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2016.28.014


This article intends to carry out some initial reflections about the Brazilian University and University teacher education processes of transformation promoted by Federal Law nº. 5540/68.


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