Vol. 26 (2015): Early Childhood Education

Inclusive education in children’s education: proposals based on evidences

Patricia Beatriz Grande Fariñas
Centro Universitario Villanueva
María del Mar González Noriega
Centro Universitario Villanueva
Published October 27, 2015


preschool education, inclusive education, education practices, diversity attention
How to Cite
Grande Fariñas, P. B., & González Noriega, M. del M. (2015). Inclusive education in children’s education: proposals based on evidences. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 26, 145–162. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/2126


Inclusive Education is a process of transformation of school, especially kindergarten, whose purpose is to offer a quality education and universal education, so it needs to restructuring of cultural, policies and educational practices in order to achieve that schools will be sensitive the diversity of all children (Booth, Ainscow and Kingston, 2007). While progress has been made in the cultural and political change, however it is not established in the classroom reality yet. This article is intended to bring educational practices (structures, resources and strategies) that are being put in place in schools for children and who have demonstrated their ability to respond to diversity from an inclusive education approach.


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