Vol. 24 (2014): Life histories
Monograph Presentation


Published October 26, 2015


Initial training, teacher training, study plan, training institutions, curriculum, early education teacher, primary education teacher.
How to Cite
Imbernón, F., & Colén, M. T. (2015). THE VAIVENES OF THE INITIAL TRAINING OF THE TEACHER. A REFORM ALWAYS INACCATED. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 24, 265–284. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2014.24.018


It analyses the current teacher training of early and primary education from the new Degree study plan arisen from the European Higher Education Area. After a reflection on the thematic exposes an investigation on the analysis of the current Degree where check from the study of the epistemology, the context and the curriculum that it continues forming a profile of teacher centered in his classroom, little involved in the centre activities and least still in the relations with the school surroundings. It is to say, the initial training of the teacher has not varied substantially as regards the other previous study plans.


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