Vol. 23 (2014): The new student in the European Higher Education Area en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior
Monograph Presentation


Published October 26, 2015


Accompanied learning, Collaborative working, Narrative accounts, Theory/Practice, Action/Reflection.
How to Cite
Corti, F., del Amor, M., Armiño, S., & Deu, L. (2015). THE PEDAGOGICAL RELATIONSHIP IN UNIVERSITY AND LEARNING ACCOMPANIED. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 23, 97–108. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/2073


The educational experience developed in the article took place during a compulsory subject called Investigation and Innovation in Learning and Teaching Practice. This subject is immersed in the Grade of Primary Education of the University of Barcelona (course of 2012-2013). Although being located in the last course, it is the first subject of the grade that promotes considering the investigation and innovation in education. The text is built by five different voices, one teacher and four students, who shared the experience they lived during the course. They all talk about the collaborative work developed and the feelings of being accompanied by the teacher, according to their points of view. The methodology used in the subject is showed in the different sections of the article. Moreover, different narrative accounts compounding a dialogue between the voices and the theory are also presented.


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