Vol. 12 (2007): Pedagogical diagnostics and educational guidance

Origins and Design of the Diagnostic Action in Education (Historical Perspective from the Educational Guidance services in Spain)

Published October 16, 2015


Assessment, Guidance Services, Historical revision, Assessment competencies, Educational Guidance.
How to Cite
Lázaro Martínez, Ángel. (2015). Origins and Design of the Diagnostic Action in Education (Historical Perspective from the Educational Guidance services in Spain). Tendencias Pedagógicas, 12, 51–68. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1878


Spanish Guidance Services’s incidents and assessment competencies are analyzed from curiosities about the origin of Educational Guidance Services and their institutional development from historical perspective. The rol of relevant teachers and their contribution are explained from past to the present.


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