Vol. 7 (2002): Educational guidance and tutoring

Self-determination in the curriculum of the tutorial action for students with intellectual disability. Educational proposals for the inclusive school

Published October 15, 2015


Self-determination, self-determinated behaviour, intellectual disability, inclusive school.
How to Cite
Izuzquiza Gasset, D. (2015). Self-determination in the curriculum of the tutorial action for students with intellectual disability. Educational proposals for the inclusive school. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 7, 247–259. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1826


This article conceptually revisits self-determination learning implications in students with intellectual disabilities. First of all, the article offers a description of intellectually disabled students in the inclusive school, secondly it presents major academic literature written on the topic in the last decade and existing teaching-learning models designed to achieve self-determinated behaviours, and thirdly it also presents new models and research patterns. Lastly, the article proposes certain methodological strategies aimed to foster self-determination through tutorial action both at the inclusive school and at the general open-to-everyone school.


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