Vol. 7 (2002): Educational guidance and tutoring

Procedures and techniques of the diagnosis in orientation.

Published October 15, 2015


Psychological and Educational Assessment, procedure, technique, psycho-educational instrument, theoretical focus, scientific methodology, appraisal, paradigm.
How to Cite
Lázaro Martínez, Ángel. (2015). Procedures and techniques of the diagnosis in orientation. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 7, 97–116. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1819


This articles describes an analysis of sorne of the fundamental aspects.of the theoretical construction of the Psychological and Educational Assessment, this is, methodical references, strategies, theoretical perspectives, application techniques and the instruments to apply. Different alternative and notional variability are discussed and a methodological clarification's secuence to make easy the complex assessment activity's understanding is proposed. In relation to numerous classifications, functions and competitions are specified and expresed in terms of essential methodical classifications (observation, mensuration, experimentation), making explicit procedures, theoretical focuses as well as technical and instruments that they arise starting from them.


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