Vol. 7 (2002): Educational guidance and tutoring

Technical perspectives of orientation in Spain.

Juan García Yagüe
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published October 15, 2015
How to Cite
García Yagüe, J. (2015). Technical perspectives of orientation in Spain. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 7, 35–48. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1816


The author defends in this controversial work the existence since a hundred years ago of important Spanish contributions of professionalized school orientation, only partially and dubiously spread. Based on his historical investigation and his experience as school counsellor and University Professor of the subject for about 30 years, he analyses the conditionings of the Spanish school orientation and its impact on the ambivalent social image that it has suffered, the little support that he receives from the school institutions themselves and the solitude from which many of their work patterns and hundreds of specialists tend to "fantasise, live badly and faH". To answer the questionings that introduce the subject, García Yagüe stops on 3 great sources of conditionings from his point of view, the three traps in which the made more technical school orientation has fallen and can keep falling.: 1) the trap of its institutionalisation as a response of conceitedly reviving minorities; b) the trap of the poverty of the technical supports from which he tries to resolve the complex demands of the schoollife orientation; and e) the explosive and uncontrolled development of the professional activity in these fields and of the use of its work patterns.


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