Vol. 39 (2022): Polifonía sobre educación

Autonomy, group and evaluation as dimensions of a Secondary Education context. Exploring its characteristics and the students’ opinions.

Rebeca Mariel Martinenco
CONICET - Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional de Villa María (Argentina)
Arabela Beatriz Vaja
Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional de Villa María (Argentina)
Rocío Belén Martín
CIT Villa María CONICET - Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)
Polifonía sobre educación
Published October 20, 2022


autonomia, grupo, evaluación, estudiante de secundaria, literatura
How to Cite
Martinenco, R. M., Vaja, A. B., & Martín, R. B. . (2022). Autonomy, group and evaluation as dimensions of a Secondary Education context. Exploring its characteristics and the students’ opinions. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 39, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2022.39.001 (Original work published October 19, 2022)


The general objective of this article is to explore the characteristics that occur in a particular learning context in Secondary Education and the opinions that students express in this regard. The specific objectives that we set out to achieve were: a) describe and analyze characteristics of the context, such as autonomy, group, and evaluation, and b) inquire about the opinions that students have on the mentioned dimensions.

From a qualitative approach, observations were made in order to know what was happening in the classes and semi-structured interviews were carried out with the twelve students who attended these classes to find out their opinions regarding certain characteristics and dimensions of the class sequence.

The obtained results are organized around two axes: on the one hand, three dimensions of the context -autonomy, group and evaluation- are described and analyzed, and on the other hand, the students' opinions of the mentioned dimensions are presented.

In the conclusions, contributions of the work are retaken and new lines of research derived from the study are mentioned.


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