Theatrical Performance as a Transferential Device Critical of Micro-Chauvinisms Violence in Adolescents
Applied theatre, Secondary education, Gender equality promotion, Actantial model, Spectatorial competenceThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
This article analyses the implementation of a theatrical performance for the prevention of micro-chauvinisms violence and the promotion of equality created by vocational training students and aimed at secondary school students. Using a qualitative research methodology based on case studies, this work focuses on: a) analysing the acting roles of the characters that represent situations of micro-chauvinisms violence in adolescence; b) understanding the process of pedagogical mediation carried out by the VET students after the performance of the play to facilitate cognitive distancing and recover the audience's tactical knowledge of gender; and c) describing the second performance of the play modified in the pedagogical mediation to present alternatives for improving the content. The results allow us to conclude on the advantages of actantial models to diagnose the actuality of youth micro-chauvinisms violence; the particular characteristics of the theatrical performance as an experience in which young people are represented and challenged with respect to gender violence; and finally, the possibilities offered by the theatrical space itself as a laboratory of citizen creation where to expand the competence of adolescent spectatorship with a gender perspective.
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