Knowledge on insects in early childhood education: diagnostic evaluation and improvement of their perception




Natural environment teaching, Environmental education, Childhood education, Insects


Insects represent a broad, fundamental and close part of biodiversity. However, the knowledge of early childhood education students on insects may be lower than about vertebrate animals, and their perceptions more negative. The width of the insect concept, and insect knowledge in urban students of early childhood education is analysed. A didactic sequence was implemented with the aim to improve insects knowledge, and change anthropomorphic insect versions to real insects in their minds. Activities include modelling clay, memory games, videos, childhood education common activities modified including insects, and search for arthropods in the schoolyard. The sequence implemented has allowed both increasing knowledge and fostering curiosity and respect for insects among students.


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Author Biographies

Lucía Muñiz Estévez, Universidad de Oviedo

Maestra en Educación Infantil

Antonio Torralba-Burrial, Universidad de Oviedo

Profesor Ayudante Doctor de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales en el Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Oviedo.

Coordinador Unidad Comunicación y Educación Ambiental del Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Ordenación del Territorio (Indurot - Universidad de Oviedo).


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How to Cite

Muñiz Estévez, L., & Torralba-Burrial, A. (2022). Knowledge on insects in early childhood education: diagnostic evaluation and improvement of their perception. Didácticas Específicas, (26), 62–79.


