Analysis of teaching questions in a water cycle research environment




Questions, Water cycle, Primary


This paper is about a case study in which a future teacher carries out an investigative activity on the water cycle in a Primary classroom. The analysis focuses on examining the type of guidance done by the future teacher through the questions. The results show how the planning of a series of questions serves the future teacher as a form of control towards a structure to be adhered to. Among the difficulties encountered, the lack of questions aimed at establishing relationships between a physical-chemical model of state changes stands out.


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Author Biography

Ana Aragüés Díaz, IES Valle del Ebro, Gobierno de Navarra

Licenciada en Química, Doctora en Educación por la Universidad de Zaragoza, Profesora en Secundaria en IES Valle del Ebro


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How to Cite

Aragüés Díaz, A. (2019). Analysis of teaching questions in a water cycle research environment. Didácticas Específicas, (21), 45–58.


