La memoria democrática en el aula: un desafío para el profesorado actual


  • Francisco Raúl Gómez Tassias Consejería Educación Región de Murcia. Profesor de Geografía e Historia en el IES Miguel Hernández.


The teaching commitment to the defense of human rights established by the United Nations Organization as well as the democratic values ??promoted by the Spanish constitution is a general objective that educational legislation demands of us in our daily work in the classrooms. Promoting knowledge of past times where the rights and freedoms that we have today were not enjoyed only reinforces that collective memory must serve for a stronger democratic future and to avoid making the mistakes of the past. This piece of work collects the experiences lived in the work of democratic memory in different educational centers, the participation in the “Our future is our History” contest with high school students, and the legal support established  for the promotion and work of democratic memory in the classrooms.


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• DELGADO-ALGARRA, E.J; ESTEPA-GIMÉNEZ, J (2016). Ciudadanía y memoria histórica en la enseñanza de la historia: análisis de la metodología didáctica en el estudio de caso en la ESO. Ed. Revista de Investigación Educativa.

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How to Cite

Gómez Tassias, F. R. (2024). La memoria democrática en el aula: un desafío para el profesorado actual. Didácticas Específicas, (30), 24–33. Retrieved from


