Vol. 37 (2021): Rural education in Ibero-America. Equity, inclusion, innovation
Recovering the Past

School library

Elisa López Velasco
Maestra del Grupo Escolar «Cervantes» de Madrid (1884-1935)
Cover TP37
Published December 22, 2020


History of Education in Spain, Elisa López Velasco, school library, Spanish schools
How to Cite
López Velasco, E. (2020). School library. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 37, 156–160. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/tp2021_37_rep


This section presents the reissue of the article Escuela Biblioteca, by Elisa López Velasco, a teacher at the “Cervantes” School Group in Madrid. The article —which was published in the fifth issue of the magazine Escuelas de España, in 1934— addresses the importance of this space in educational centers, extolling the importance of books in teaching and for students. It is a text that sometimes seems like a manifesto in favor of reading, and that highlights the space and operation of the school library in schools, at a time when López Velasco had already participated in missions pedagogical, taking culture to those inhospitable areas of empty Spain. This reproduction is presented by Teresa Rabazas Romero and Carlos Sanz Simón, researchers at the "Manuel Bartolomé Cossío" Museum of the History of Education of the Complutense University of Madrid. In its introduction, a brief biographical review is presented on the life and work of one of the most representative teachers of the first third of the 20th century in Spain.


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