Vol. 37 (2021): Rural education in Ibero-America. Equity, inclusion, innovation
Educational Experiences

Reading and production of cordel for Elementary School school children

Adielle Rodrigues da Silva
Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz
Cover TP37
Published December 22, 2020


cordel literature, woodcut, reading, text production
How to Cite
Rodrigues da Silva, A. (2020). Reading and production of cordel for Elementary School school children. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 37, 134–144. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2021.37.011


The work with reading in primary school must be constant, to awaken the habit in students, since reading both the world and the word is important to lead the reader to different understandings about the text and society, facilitating the process its textual production. This article analyzes how cordel literature can be treated in the 2nd year of Primary Education, since it is about texts that can be explored in terms of their structure. Starting from the threads of children's literature, it was sought to present works by different authors that serve as a reference for the reader to create their literary achievement. In addition, the structure of the text, the identification of rhymes and the structural analysis of words were addressed. Students from a public school in the city of Planal-to, Bahia, participated in the study in 2016. The results show that cordel literature contributes to the training of readers and writers, mainly through activities developed in the classroom, such as reading and production of twine, and the art of woodcutting. Thus, one of the current challenges is to overcome this gap in the teaching-learning process, in order to advance educational practices, in the way of working with reading and the production of texts, which enable the use of different genres textual, especially those that don't they are commonly worked in the classroom..


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