Vol. 36 (2020): The academic literacy
Monograph: Academic literacy

Social representations of lecturers at a Chilean university regarding academic writing and its teaching and learning

María Verónica Sánchez Gibbons
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Portada TP36
Published July 1, 2020


literacy, written skills, subject-specific competences, higher education, teaching and learning, teacher
How to Cite
Sánchez Gibbons, M. V. (2020). Social representations of lecturers at a Chilean university regarding academic writing and its teaching and learning. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 36, 44–58. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2020.36.04


In the context of the challenge that students face to incorporate the practices of academic writing and the role that teachers have in this process, this exploratory research enquires into social representations of lecturers of diverse disciplines from a Chilean university regarding academic writing and its teaching and learning, in order to obtain key information for the design of effective interventions that foster this skill’s development by students. To this objective, data were produced from discussion groups and then analysed through a qualitative content analysis. One of the most outstanding results is the agreement among teachers of the relevance of the development of academic writing skills by students and the need for an instance, outside the context of the chairs they are in charge of, to work to this aim. On the other hand, regarding teachers’ teaching and learning strategies, results show a lack of accuracy in the meaning of academic writing for lecturers and their consideration of aspects such as motivation and practice for teaching and learning this skill. (up to 250 words).


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