Vol. 32 (2018): School grouping

Social networks as incidental factor on social, personal and academic lives of Compulsory Secondary Education students

Erika González García
Universidad de Granada
Nazaret Martínez Heredia
Universidad de Granada
Front cover of Tendencias Pedagógicas, volume 32
Published July 1, 2018


emotions, social networks, teenagers, Information and Communication Technology, identity
How to Cite
González García, E., & Martínez Heredia, N. (2018). Social networks as incidental factor on social, personal and academic lives of Compulsory Secondary Education students. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 32, 133–146. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2018.32.010


Some years ago, the emotions have been acquiring an important role in all the spheres of our society. This is the reason that numerous researches have included as an object of study, from the psychology, the neuroscience, the policy… Also inside the communication and relating them to the social networks, since it is our situation. In this study, we have centred ourselves, after realizing a shallow bibliographical about social networks, as well as analyzing social, personal and academic factors of the incidence of these in young people of Granada through the use of social networks. This article presents the panoramic one of some researches and of own ours, including the study of the social networks as spaces of interaction in which the emotions are expressed across different routes. We conclude in that across the social networks certain emotions and affections express, as well as the configuration of the personal identity of the young people.


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