Vol. 31 (2018): Teaching styles and learning styles II
Monograph: Teaching styles, learning styles II

Relations between performance and emotional inteligence in secondary education

Federico Pulido Acosta
Universidad de Granada
Francisco Herrera Clavero
Universidad de Granada
Published January 2, 2018


emotions, emotional states, academic achievement, emotional intelligence, pluricultural context
How to Cite
Pulido Acosta, F., & Herrera Clavero, F. (2018). Relations between performance and emotional inteligence in secondary education. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 31, 165–186. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2018.31.010


This work has as main objective which in to analyze the types and levels of Academic Achievement and Emotional Intelligence, according to age, gender, religion and socioeconomic and cultural factor, as well as the links between both variables. To make that possible we focused on 811 participants; 71.6% of the total were Muslims and 28.4% Roman Catholic, 46.1% were male and 53.9% female. The techniques used in this survey were an EI questionnaire, as well as the students' grades. The results show medium-high levels of EI. This is influenced by age, gender, culture and socioeconomic and cultural factor. We found medium levels of AA. This is influenced by age, culture and socioeconomic and cultural factor. There is a statistically significant relationship between AA and EI. This relationship is directly proportional.


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SPSS Inc. Released 2011. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 20.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.