Vol. 31 (2018): Teaching styles and learning styles II
Monograph: Teaching styles, learning styles II

Innovative experience in the classroom from self-regulation and learning styles

María Concepción García Diego
Centro Universitario de Magisterio ESCUNI
Esther Castañeda López
Centro Universitario de Magisterio ESCUNI
José Manuel Mansilla Morales
Centro Universitario de Magisterio ESCUNI
Published January 2, 2018


learning styles, self-regulated learning, orientation, methodological innovation, teachers
How to Cite
García Diego, M. C., Castañeda López, E., & Mansilla Morales, J. M. (2018). Innovative experience in the classroom from self-regulation and learning styles. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 31, 137–148. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2018.31.008


The purpose of this document is to contribute the conclusions obtained by the teachers of Centro Universitario Escuni, on the relations between self - regulation and learning styles in students of the Kinder and Primary Education. These conclusions have been drawn after years of research on the theory of learning styles and with the implementation of a methodological model focused on self-regulation learning. The theoretical reference of this study is based in Kolb's (1984) approach to learning styles and, on the other hand, Pintrich's (2000) model of self-regulation learning. The findings obtained indicate the teacher's orientation of the self-regulating processes of learning from the knowledge of the learning styles of the students and, also, from an exercise of self-knowledge and self-awareness of the student, to acquire greater academic and formative competences.


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