Vol. 30 (2017): Teaching styles and learning styles I

Integration of information and communication technologies in school city of Osorno, Chile

Yorka Tatiana Ortiz Ruiz
Universidad de Los Lagos
María Isabel Aravena
Universidad de Los Lagos
Published July 4, 2017


integration of ICT, teaching practices, education
How to Cite
Ortiz Ruiz, Y. T., & Aravena, M. I. (2017). Integration of information and communication technologies in school city of Osorno, Chile. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 30, 131–152. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2017.30.008


This article reports the results of a cross-sectional descriptivequantitative investigation, which seeks to identify the influence of different variables related to the integration of Information and Communication Technologies in fifth and sixth grades of the school "El Labrador" of Osorno, Chile. Thus, among the strengths recognized there is the fact of a positive perception about the integration of ICT, which is done at the level of teaching and learning practices, and the fact of assuming a need for technical and educational management updating. While, as a weakness, there is a lack of awareness of the Ministry concerning the project "Enlaces", which although present, does not have a major impact on the students’ learning.


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