Vol. 30 (2017): Teaching styles and learning styles I

Teaching styles of teachers, a study on the planning, conduction and evaluation they perform in the classroom

Javier Loredo Enríquez
Universidad Iberoamericana
Belinde García Cabrero
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Karina Mireya Cobo
Universidad Iberoamericana
Published July 3, 2017


teaching patterns, higher education, teaching practice, planning, classroom management, assessment
How to Cite
Loredo Enríquez, J., García Cabrero, B., & Cobo, K. M. (2017). Teaching styles of teachers, a study on the planning, conduction and evaluation they perform in the classroom. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 30, 17–36. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2017.30.001


Teacher training at the university level in Mexico requires rethinking the strategies established so far, in view of the lack of effectiveness they have shown in improving teachers' work, both before and during the interaction with the students, during teacher's reflection and his evaluation of the impact of the planning, conduction and evaluation strategies used. International research shows that the correlations between training programs and learning outcomes depend largely on the time spent, which should be greater than 60 hours to have an impact on improving teachers' performance. In addition, in order for teaching activities to have an impact on students' learning, it is necessary to explore other factors related to teaching practices that have shown to be predictors of students' academic performance. The research that is reported in this article focuses on finding regularities in the styles of teaching that are present in a sample of 38 teachers from different disciplines who have been successful and recognized institutionally as good teachers, seeking to characterize what they do in significant moments of teaching such as the planning of the course and the planning of each session, the conduction of the class and the evaluation of earning, relating these data to control variables that identify the teachers.


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