Vol. 28 (2016): Education and higher education in the Iberoamerican context

Education, a female mosaic from history to stories. The reason of narratives in a classroom

Joana Darc Cavalcanti
Instituto Superior Paula Frassinetti
Ana Cristina Pinheiro
Instituto Superior Paula Frassinetti
Irene Cortesão
Instituto Superior Paula Frassinetti
Paula Medeiros
Instituto Superior Paula Frassinetti
Sara Ribeiro
Instituto Superior Paula Frassinetti
Cover of Tendencias Pedagógicas volume 28
Published June 29, 2016


woman, female, tale, history, education
How to Cite
Darc Cavalcanti, J., Pinheiro, A. C., Cortesão, I., Medeiros, P., & Ribeiro, S. (2016). Education, a female mosaic from history to stories. The reason of narratives in a classroom. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 28, 181–194. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2016.28.013


The project research "Stories in the feminine: the influence of the narratives in women educator’s identity construction in Portugal and in Spain" was developed over two years with researchers from Escola Superior de Educação Paula Frassinetti, and Universidad de Madrid. The group developed a qualitative research, with a biographical nature, based on life stories, having interviewed 11 Portuguese and Spanish educators/teachers. In this text we present only six of these stories, all narrated by Portuguese women. This article covers a part of the study and focus on six interviews regarding to the role of women as educators and storytellers. Thereby, the article focuses on women’s different dimensions, assuming themselves as storytellers, whether talking about themselves or about another storyteller woman. In this article we present the speech of some of the women interviewed that, as speaking about their relationship with Storytelling time, rescue important aspects of their childhood. In this process, they rebuild themselves in an affective memory related to the stories, the characters, the feelings triggered after experi-enced when they hear or read a good story.


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