Vol. 28 (2016): Education and higher education in the Iberoamerican context

Social development and competitiveness improvement: two challenges for education in Latin America

Mariano Jabonero Blanco
Fundación Santillana
Cover of Tendencias Pedagógicas volume 28
Published June 12, 2016


social development, competitiveness, technology, equity, skills
How to Cite
Jabonero Blanco, M. (2016). Social development and competitiveness improvement: two challenges for education in Latin America. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 28, 11–18. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2016.28.001


The author addresses in this article the direct relationship existing in Latin America between education and development. A region with a cyclical economy in which remains a low level of educational that prevents its fully participation in the knowledge society, ensure a sustainable growth and have a level of competitiveness that would allow the region to grow in a global economy. In short, the author bets on key factors such as: the best selection, training and evaluating teachers, the effective use of ICT in education, to generalize the external evaluation of teachers, centers, and education systems, and carry out a comprehensive strategy for skills, both cognitive and non-cognitive development: skills are the global currency of 21st century.


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