Vol. 28 (2016): Education and higher education in the Iberoamerican context


Pilar Mireya Rueda Carcelén
Universidad de Lleida
Enric Cabello
Universidad de Lleida
Gemma Filella
Universidad de Lleida
Maria Concepció Vendrell
Universidad de Lleida
Cover of Tendencias Pedagógicas volume 28
Published June 17, 2016


Video game, emotional education, assertive conflict resolution, Happy 8-12, coexistence
How to Cite
Rueda Carcelén, P. M., Cabello, E., Filella, G., & Vendrell, M. C. (2016). EMOTIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAM HAPPY 8-12 FOR THE ASSISTANT CONFLICT RESOLUTION. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 28, 153–166. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2016.28.011


The aim of this article is to present the emotional education program Happy 8- 12 and the assessment made by the teachers and students of the program. This game is a teaching tool that helps teachers to train conflict resolution assertively their students through a process of emotional regulation. The game features twenty conflicts between boys and girls aged between eight and twelve. The assessment of the game by the students participating in the research (is very positive, highlighting the availability, understanding and fun. The faculty participant valued the ability to simulate real contexts that presents the game, and the possibility of systematizing the process of conflict resolution offered.


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