Vol. 26 (2015): Early Childhood Education

Training of teachers and educational research: la perception of graduate students at the University Complutense de Madrid

Isabel Inmaculada Asensio Muñoz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Covadonga Ruiz de Miguel
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
María Castro Morera
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Published October 27, 2015


teacher education, educational research, convergence of education systems, teaching profession, research methods
How to Cite
Asensio Muñoz, I. I., Ruiz de Miguel, C., & Castro Morera, M. (2015). Training of teachers and educational research: la perception of graduate students at the University Complutense de Madrid. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 26, 217–236. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/2134


Linking educational research with teacher education is the starting point of this study. It is the way to answer to the new demands that the teaching profession is facing today.As well it is one of the challenges of teacher education at University. The study focuses on the experience of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).This exploratory study describes the results of 543 studentswho value their education and career expectations regarding their knowledge about educational research. The results lead to the conclusion that students perceive their training in research as still insufficient.


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