Vol. 24 (2014): Life histories


Published October 26, 2015


Interactive classes, linking theory/practice, making videos, analysis, reflection.
How to Cite
Rosales López, C. (2015). ACTIVE UTILIZATION OF VIDEO IN THE INITIAL TRAINING OF EDUCATORS. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 24, 387–400. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2014.24.024


The Reform of the currículum for the training of teachers in the process of convergence with the EEES has highlighted the need to encourage the develoment of professional competences through greater linkage of theory and practice. The interactive classes, seminars considered for cooperative group work can provide the proper context for learning more dynamic and closer to the reality of teaching. In this paper we propose ways of using video in the classes, but especially the most active one in wich they themselves designed and didactic sequences recorded in real contexts to pondering subsequently analyze multiple curricular issues with the support of professor supervisor and fellow students.


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