Vol. 24 (2014): Life histories
Monograph Presentation


Published October 26, 2015


Novice teachers, professional identity, primary education, collaborative research, initial training, micro-ethnography.
How to Cite
Sancho Gil, J. M., & Martínez Pérez, S. (2015). THE IMPORTANCE OF RESEARCH-RESEARCH RELATIONS: THE CASE OF PROFESSIONAL LIFE NARRATIVES. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 24, 225–240. https://doi.org/10.15366/tp2014.24.015


This paper addresses a fundamental issue in the studies carried out from a constructionist and narrative perspective: the relationship between researchers and researched. Our contribution is based on the development of nine microethnographies, in which the biographical dimension had a special consideration, with nine primary school teachers. This has allowed us to: a) highlight the importance of explaining the relationship between researchers and those participating in the research; b) examine the strengths and weaknesses of each relationship type and mode; c) point to the complexity and dynamism of the elements underlying relationships; d) open way of inquiry that can help deepen our understanding about the relational aspects involved in the social construction of knowledge.


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