Vol. 21 (2013): Innovative experiences in education I


Published October 23, 2015


Tutoring, assessment, guidance, counseling-university, teaching.
How to Cite
Aguaded Gómez, M. C., & Monescillo Palomo, M. (2015). EVALUATION OF TUTORING IN THE UNIVERSITY OF HUELVA SINCE THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE PSYCHOPEDAGOGY STUDENT: IMPROVEMENT PROPOSALS. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 21, 163–176. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/2031


Tutoring at the university is in a period of analysis and evaluation justified the changes taking place in our educational system. Adding to the European Higher Education demand a revision of the role of the figure of the teacher, both of teaching and research. This article presents the results of a research aimed to know the opinion of the users of the tutorials in the university and, through them, evaluate that teaching practice. The report also presents some practical proposals to improve the functionality and quality of assistance to be dispensed tutorials university faculty.


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