Vol. 20 (2012): Competencies and teacher education in the light of the EHEA


Published October 23, 2015


Education, Teaching, Schooling, Pedagogy, Transmission.
How to Cite
Acosta, F. M. (2015). EDUCATING, TEACHING, SCHOOLING: THE PROBLEM OF THE SPECIFICATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PEDAGOGY (AND THE TRANSMISSION). Tendencias Pedagógicas, 20, 93–105. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/2016


In this work, we propose a journey through three concepts: Education, Teaching and Schooling to analyze, from a historical perspective, different cuts on each of them. The aim is to deepen the idea of "specification" as a turning point in the relationship between these concepts and its potential impact on pedagogical prescriptions. In this regard, we believe that Pedagogy is part of this specification process through operations of objectification of knowledge. We also propose that the concept of "crisis" in education, teaching, schooling, relies on a circuit of specifications which doesn´t allow to think about Pedagogy as a way of intervention. For this, the paper is organized into four points that cover each of the proposed concepts. The last part recovers the concept of Transmission as a possible link in this sequence of specification. It also aims at giving a new meaning to pedagogical action in the so-called contexo of crisis in education (and teaching, and schooling).


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