Vol. 20 (2012): Competencies and teacher education in the light of the EHEA
Monograph Presentation

Proposal of an inventory of technological resources for the treatment of students with disabilities in the European Education Area Higher

Published October 23, 2015


Disability, ICT, EHEA, Inclusivity, Diversity.
How to Cite
Vázquez Cano, E. (2015). Proposal of an inventory of technological resources for the treatment of students with disabilities in the European Education Area Higher. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 20, 71–92. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/2015


This article presents an initial framework to faculty who approaches the subject of methodological treatment of the disabled with the support of the Information and Communication Technology in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). We present an inventory of technology resources which can help to improve learning and academic integration of university students with disabilities. ICT can play a key role in overcoming the barriers faced by people with disabilities in the EHEA. The technological resources provide multiple functions for this people, facilitating communication, access and information processing, cognitive development, and self-adaptation to the environment, enhancing personal development and learning autonomy.


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