Vol. 19 (2012): Inclusive education


Published October 23, 2015


Chess, new technologies, online education, didactic material, e-learning environment.
How to Cite
Gutvay, M., & Fernández Amigo, J. (2015). EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR TEACHING AND PROCESSING PROCESSES LEARNING OF A DIGITAL CHESS PROGRAM. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 19, 131–148. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/2005


This article is based on a thesis project carried out in the province of San Luis, Argentina. It highlights the importance of teaching and learning chess online through the use of new technologies. The article is based on the claim that there is a lack of systematic study of the use of ICT for educational ends in the teaching of chess at the primary level. It also underlines the importance of integrating chess into the primary school curriculum, mainly in areas distant from urban areas. The main purpose of the article is to provide an appropriate set of criteria for assessing the teaching and learning of chess online, such as the evaluation of the e-learning environment and its execution, the didactic material and the online tutoring.


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