Vol. 18 (2011): Celebration of 50 year of teacher education studies
Monograph Presentation


Published October 23, 2015


Intellectual disability, vocational education, qualitative research, social inclusion, assessment.
How to Cite
Pérez Serrano, M. (2015). NEW LABOR TRAINING SCENARIOS FOR STUDENTS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 18, 173–206. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1992


We present part of the results from the research executed by the Educational and Teacher Training Department of the UAM. The main aim was to evaluate the quality of the vocational education training for intellectual disable students. Information for this research was collected from students, teachers, collaborators and training students. Information treatment was carried out with the computer program atlas.ti. Results have revealed that working insertion for handicap youngsters is possible. Participants in our study understand that working is on one hand a right to people and on the other hand a duty for the society. In order to reach this goal it is necessary to harmoniously combine cooperation among universities, companies and society.


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