Vol. 17 (2011): Learning communities


Published October 19, 2015


Creation, project, construction of knowledge, pedagogic strategy.
How to Cite
Aimaretti, N. (2015). CREATION AS A STRATEGY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF KNOWLEDGE. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 17, 65–73. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1959


Inside a dynamic world, the pedagogic trends must accompany these transformations, noticing the importance of the implementation of metacognitive activities and of integration ones, as the education across the creation and auto-management of projects. The new of this methodology is that the content to teaching is a resource to formulate problems that would stimulate the reconstruction of the ideas, the perceptions and the attitudes of the students. In this way the apprentices acquire aptitude to take part in new experiences which lead them to a process of exchange and production of meanings, whereas the teachers could integrate their own activity, by means of a transparent autoevaluation.


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