Vol. 16 (2010): Expanded university and ICT


Published October 19, 2015


Basic guidelines, design strategies, teaching strategies.
How to Cite
Feo, R. (2015). BASIC GUIDELINES FOR THE DESIGN OF STRATEGIES DIDACTICS. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 16, 221–236. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1951


This article emerges from the empirical experience of the author and theoretical contrast related to the design of teaching strategies, a situation promoted by the need to standardize the essential elements of a strategy for teaching purposes linking theory with practice teaching force, because in teachers currently handle a variety of items so misguided or just under the vision of a requirement of school planning, and consequently, the teacher dominates almost exclusively as a pedagogical encounter procedural and does not know or does not give greater importance to the domain implicit in the conceptual design of teaching strategies. Basically the methodology used was documentary and was used to support content analysis technique, which allowed the subject to reflect on and build the basic guidelines for the design of teaching strategies.


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