Vol. 15 (2010): Innovative experiences


Published October 19, 2015


work teams, teaching guide, network teaching, active learning methodology, professional profile, Child education, Primary education, Secondary education.
How to Cite
Aranda Redruello, R., & González Bustamante, A. (2015). METHODOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENT OF TEACHINGS IN THE EHEA IN THE CASE OF PEDAGOGICAL SUBJECTS. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 15, 29–56. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1932


The following document is the final report of an institutional project that the Department of Teaching and Theory of Education in 2009 introduced to the Office of European convergence aimed at boosting teacher quality improvement and renewal of the teaching methodology in the Teacher Training Degree. The activities developed by the team of teachers are here described in order to revise the aims and features of the different pedagogical subjects included in the degree of Child Education and Primary Education. We also include the indicators used to make a follow-up of the activities. To conclude, we include the results obtained in the opinion survey about the changes this project introduces in the teaching of this degree. In addition, we show here a little sample of the study of the profile of teaching professionals carried out by the Secondary Education teamwork



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