Vol. 14 (2009): The school teacher


Published October 19, 2015


Teachers, Europe, Teacher Training, Euroidentity, Educational Quality, Competences.
How to Cite
Hernández Castilla, R. (2015). THE MASTER IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. THE EUROPE OF THE COMPETENCES. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 14, 467–478. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/tendenciaspedagogicas/article/view/1930


In July 2008 the European Commission gave out its annual report on how the key aspects of education and training have been developed in Europe. This article contains a description of the challenges for the teaching profession at the European Union and the new competences to practice. The increasing worry about improving educational standards has lead to create different policies which include the teachers’ training. The teacher role is palpable in the common texts, because of his/her training and professional career. Teacher is the key piece to improve school efficiency. Therefore, there’s work through two perspectives: the training during the professional career as a precious stone for educational quality. Secondly, the free circulation of these professionals doesn’t require just a legal framework to prove a recognizable and authorized competence by the member States, but also a specific preparation in order to reach a new dimension called “euroidentity”. The heading question has been used to make this endeavour more explicit and it’s not intended to create a “standardised teacher model” and “standardised teaching model”. If there is unity in diversity through national identities, the question remains, does it make a teacher “European”?


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